Branding Colors

Brand Colors

Our color palette plays a vital part in how we present ourselves. Our clean canvas of White and Charcoal represents our open approach, whilst a fusion of vibrant fall colors brings energy and differentiation.

Our primary color palette consists of JazzBerry (or berry for short), Aktiv Black and Lemon. These colors are present across most touch points from marketing to product. JazzBerry and Aktiv Black are our lead colors, helping us to be unique and stand apart from our competitors. The yellow works as a supporting color in situations where JazzBerry and Aktiv Black do not complement eachother.


JazzBerry (Primary)

Hex: AA0A5E

RGB: 170,10,94

Pantone: 227 C

Hover: DB177E

Active/Pressed: 860549


Aktiv Black (Secondary)

Hex: 261D24

RGB: 38,29,36

Pantone: Neutral Black C

Hover: 787378

Active/Pressed: 52575C


Lemon (Tertiary)


RGB: 255,203,11

Pantone: 012 C

Hover: FFE279

Active/Pressed: E6B70A

Logo Colors

Our logo is comprised of four vibrant fall colors and meant to be a reminder of new beginnings that is tethered to the fall season for most instructors and students.

JazzBerry (Primary)

Hex: AA0A5E

RGB: 170,10,94

Pantone: 227 C


Hex: EF5454

RGB: 239,84,84

Pantone: 1785 C



RGB: 255,203,11

Pantone: 012 C


Hex: 42C1C7

RGB: 66,193,199

Pantone: 319 C

Actions & Alerts

These are colors that are meant to be used when presenting emotional outcome. This involves informative, cautious, positive and negative outcomes.

Informative Colors


Default: 1165D7

Hover: 2F80ED

Active: 4DA5FF

Informative Colors


Default: F6A609

Hover: F2C94C

Active: 936F38

Informative Colors


Default: 008817

Hover: 27AE60

Active: 6FCF97

Informative Colors


Default: BC2027

Hover: E93C3C

Active: FF6262

Recommended Usage

These are some general use cases for colors. Hover over color preview box for hex code.

#261D24 Title texts, captions, input fields and everywhere else where black is required
#52575C Secondary text
#787378 Inactive states
#A0A4A8 Default texts in text field
#DBDDE0 Dividers & borders, disabled states
#F7F5F5 Background and disabled background for buttons
#1165D7 Badges, infobox, informative message
#BC2027 Error, danger, negative messages
#F6A609 Alert, cautious message
#008817 Success, positive messages
#AA0A5E Primary actions, buttons and links
#FFCB0B CTA button over background
#00508A Hyperlinks